
Showing posts from September, 2013

A few pictures...

 This is some Kimchi ready to ferment.  We have been going thru a lot of it recently.  So delicious.  The rye grass is popping up all over right now.   This is the new baby calf.

Okra Gumbo With Windy Meadows Chicken Sausage

We are getting a lot of okra from a friend right now.  Lots and lots.  So I thought I would share with you all our recipe for okra gumbo.  It's really simple:  1-2 lb. Windy Meadows chicken sausage (I prefer the Italian but both are good), 1 onion, 3 TBS butter or chicken fat, a can of whole tomatoes(I use a quart of home canned), and a mess of okra.  Dice the onion and begin to saute in a 3 quart pot using the butter or chicken fat.  When the onion is softened add the sausage.   Make sure to brown the sausage until the moisture is cooked out of the pot and only the chicken fat remains.  Add the tomatoes and okra that has been cut into approximately 3/4 or 1 in sections(do not add any okra that is tough or stringy!).  Allow to simmer for 20 minutes with lid on pot. Stir occasionally.  Salt and pepper to taste.  Enjoy with cornbread, crackers, or over rice.  8-10 Servings.